partner with a nonprofit to teach children and communities about the benefits
of fresh, local food
nowadays don't really seem to care. They aren't thinking about how fresh food
is part of your health. I know now how important fresh and local is to my
health." — Marcus, 9, a Butterfield Elementary School student
today's fast-food culture, it's not easy to get kids interested in eating
fresh, local food. But in Massachusetts, Seeds of Solidarity, a nonprofit
organization, has partnered with six schools in a poor and working-class area
to address problems of obesity and food insecurity (lack of resources to
procure adequate quantity and quality of food). Their goal is to put fresh,
local food on the menu and educate teachers and students about nutrition and
food policy. Seeds of Solidarity is a grassroots nonprofit organization whose
mission is to provide people with the inspiration and practical tools to grow
food and use renewable energy in their communities.
schools involved are in Athol and Orange, the largest of the nine towns in
North Quabbin, a predominantly poor and working-class, white, rural region in
Central Massachusetts. There are 2,986 students attending public schools in
Athol and Orange. Twenty percent of the children in the North Quabbin
Region live below the federal poverty level. Athol and Orange are among the
50 poorest Massachusetts towns (of 351) with less than 75 percent of the
median household income for the state.
is an ongoing need to promote health in our communities," explains
Orange Superintendent Paul Burnim. "Health involves both the physical
and mental well-being. If our teachers and families grow to understand the
importance and correlation of a good diet with school achievement and
lifelong health, we all benefit.
of Solidarity had been running SOL (Seeds of Leadership) Garden, an
after-school and summer gardening-based program for Orange and Athol
teenagers, since 1999. In 2003, funding through a USDA Community Food
Projects grant enabled partnerships with schools to expand and initiate
school-based gardens. Deb Habib, director of Seeds of Solidarity, approached
the North Quabbin superintendents, principals, and teachers. She explained
that Seeds of Solidarity could contribute time and a small amount of grant
funds toward a project to encourage youth to grow and eat fresh food. She
then asked teachers in the schools to help design a project that worked for
them. A diverse array of projects was born of these early conversations,
ranging from a "pizza garden" — growing tomatoes, peppers, and
onions — at two elementary schools to three greenhouses built with students
at three schools in which 5th graders, 8th graders, and a special needs
inclusion class now raise and distribute more than 1,500 organic vegetable
seedlings to gardens throughout the community.
addition to the gardens and greenhouses, Seeds of Solidarity partners with
the schools' health educator to provide a one-hour presentation to 40 classes
on local food from local farms as part of the health curriculum, featuring
Seeds of Solidarity staff dressed in character as Tired Transported Tanya and
Lively Local Louise. Teens from Seeds of Solidarity gardens help facilitate
these presentations. Seeds of Solidarity interns also provide teachers and
students with three monthly lessons on seed sowing, transplanting, and composting
during the early spring, in preparation for outdoor gardening. These programs
and activities are aligned with the schools' overall efforts to create and
implement wellness policies (see sidebar p. 37). Gardens and Greenhouses
"It is so much cooler to eat something after you've helped it grow; it
makes me want to eat more of them," says Lillian, 13, an Athol student.
"I've been trying a lot of new foods that I never had before."
LaRose, a science and history teacher at Athol-Roylaston Middle School, has
worked with Seeds of Solidarity for two years. "[They] have helped the
students of ARMS Middle School by building not one, but two greenhouses. Our
first greenhouse did not survive the remnants of Hurricane Katrina. Seeds of
Solidarity has also provided seeds, tools, planting benches, potting soil,
curriculum, and planting ideas."
school growing space has its challenges. One greenhouse was vandalized — a
hole cut in a wall and potting benches overturned. The 5th grade students
were angry and determined to save their project. They picked up the benches
until the vandalism stopped.
Imbriglio, a 4th grade teacher in Orange, said, "Last year, my students
got involved in constructing a greenhouse and planting fruit and vegetable
seeds. When the seedlings were ready to go into the ground, students were
very excited to take them home to plant. Since there were so many seedlings,
we sold them at our school's ice cream social. It proved to be a nice
opportunity to promote wellness at what was previously a relatively
un-healthy event."
schools are now involved in the gardens and greenhouses initiative with Seeds
of Solidarity. Creating Curriculum Seeds of Solidarity is also coordinating
regional efforts to promote fresh food in policy development and
implementation as well as professional development including a course for
teachers "reading, writing, and wellness" that integrates nutrition
education, gardens, and local food into the curriculum.
reading, writing, and wellness course is designed to provide educators with
ideas and inspiration to get students personally invested in nutrition and
wellness and to engage students in growing, preparing, and consuming local
foods. The course also examines systemic barriers to consumers accessing
local food, such as advertising, corporate agriculture, and government
subsidies for large-scale, conventional farms. The course emphasizes
community resources and local agriculture in the North Quabbin region as
assets for school wellness programs. Over six two-hour sessions, teachers
earn credit designing projects for their students related to wellness. Guest
experts on nutrition, farming, and environmental policy and a guest chef
share their expertise with teachers.
Piragis, a language arts teacher involved in creating curriculum with Seeds
of Solidarity is part of a team of 8th grade teachers whose students built a
greenhouse and raised seedlings. "They learned what it means to care for
something living so that it grows and can be enjoyed. Students also took part
in a seedling sale. From the business end, this is really a great education
for making financial decisions, marketing, and learning how to speak to
adults in a formal way."
though school meals are regulated, there is room for nutritional improvement.
Sherry Fiske, food service director for the elementary schools in Orange
food service directors are daunted by fiscal shuffling when they attempt to
introduce fresh food to the menu. With a fixed amount of money available for
each lunch, one has to be creative balancing the higher cost of fresh with
the lower cost of some main course items. 'Not dabbling with fresh' has been
made very easy, through discounted governmental food commodities and
wide-open descriptors of what counts for a vegetable or fruit. It is easy for
food service directors to lay low and only serve what is required by laws
governing school lunches. Some creativity is necessary to imagine lunches and
breakfasts differently.
these challenges, Fiske is committed to including fresh, local food in school
meals. She adds, "It only makes sense to the diets and working minds we
are responsible for."
wellness policies offer opportunities for schools to set higher standards for
their food programs creatively and in a way that involves the community.
"Healthy fresh foods are not a part of [students'] lives, outside of the
school environment," says Fiske. Some children must have fresh foods
explained to them in the cafeteria as they will not have encountered foods
that are not processed, frozen, or canned in their homes." She adds that
in her experience, students are less likely to throw away fresh foods than
canned or frozen ones.
partnership with Seeds of Solid-arity, the Orange elementary schools set the
ambitious goal of purchasing 20 percent of the fruits and vegetables from
local farmers. Fresh, local produce is not only healthier for students but
has a significantly smaller "ecological footprint" than
conventionally grown foods shipped over long distances. Fiske already had
started a school garden, so linking with local farmers was a logical step for
her. There were many hurdles. First, the school (like most) gets the bulk of
its food through the commodities program of the USDA, which is tied in with
large agribusiness, not local farmers. Transportation was another challenge.
And local farmers cannot always supply food as consistently as major food
began the initiative to include fresh, local foods in the menu with a special
fall event where community members and school professionals from neighboring
districts were invited to dine on fresh, local food at the school while
discussing strategies for designing wellness policies.
Hillman owns two small apple orchards and a cider mill in New Salem, Mass.,
and supplies the local Orange Elementary schools and the regional high
school. "Last year I attended the cultivating fresh wellness policy
dinner," Hillman says. "I am looking forward to future and expanded
involvement with the schools. A number of classes from the Swift River School
in New Salem have come to the farm to learn about the operation of an
orchard, and also to help by picking up drops [harvesting dropped apples]. I
feel very strongly that the more we can educate young children and their
families about the benefits of eating healthy produce that is locally grown,
the better it will be for their health and enjoyment."
Embracing the Challenge
Wellness Policy is a new federal requirement that may spawn genuine community
nutrition partnerships, if grassroots leadership takes the initiative. But
the wellness policies, another unfunded mandate, might also serve only to
further stress school personnel and might ultimately exist solely on paper.
Given the financial stresses and time contraints on schools, the mandate
might well be ignored or trivialized. Even if good policies are developed,
lack of funding will likely prevent implementation. But Habib believes that
developing wellness policies can provide opportunities for conversations that
improve the lives and health of students.
schools in low-income areas, junk food often generates much-needed revenue
from bake sales, vending machines, and a la carte programs. And it's the
low-income students in these schools who could benefit the most from a
comprehensive wellness policy. Poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and
obesity also can increase schools' costs if special programs must be designed
for children who suffer academically or behaviorally because of these conditions.
In addition, the physical and emotional problems that poor nutrition and
physical inactivity cause place an increased burden on teachers and other
school staff who must provide students affected by these problems with
additional services.
in the partnerships between the Athol and Orange schools and Seeds of
Solidarity make real lifestyle changes. Tim is a 6th grade student in Orange:
"If I hadn't done this program, I probably wouldn't have a garden at my
house and that would be sad. I'd like people to know that it's more important
to be healthy than wealthy."
Refleksi diri
Dari kedua artikel, membuat saya berfikir
menghubungkannya dengan salah satu program Departemen Pertanian melalui Program
Diversifikasi Pangan dan Gizi bekerjasama dengan Departemen Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan melalui Program Makanan Tambahan kepada Anak Sekolah. Pelaksanaan
Program tersebut diwujudkan melalui kegiatan Pengembangan Kebun Sekolah dan
Place Based Education atau Pendidikan berbasis tempat.
Salah satu
kendala dalam pelaksanaan wajib belajar
pendidikan dasar 9 tahun adalah masih tingginya angka putus sekolah di
SD/MI. Masih ditemui siswa SD/MI putus sekolah setiap tahunnya. Sebagian besar
dari mereka adalah anak-anak yang berasal dari keluarga miskin di desa-desa
terpencil dan tertinggal. Disamping itu banyak anak keluarga miskin yang
keadaan kesehatan dan gizinya begitu rendah (antara lain kekurangan kalori dan
protein, kekurangan darah atau anemia dan cacingan), sehingga sering absen dari
kelas karena sakit dan tidak mampu mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik.
meningkatkan prestasi belajar melalui perbaikan keadaan gizi dan kesehatan anak
sekolah tersebut itulah pemerintah melalui program Makanan Tambahan kepada Anak
Sekolah dengan cara memberikan tambahan (suplemen) makanan jajanan setempat.
pekarangan mempunyai potensi yang cukup besar untuk dimanfaatkan dalam rangka meningktkan penyediaan pangan
yang beranekaragam bagi keluarga khususnya dan masyarakat umumnya. Meningkatkan
produktifitas lahan pekarangan tidak hanya terbatas pada pekarangan di sekitar
rumah tetapi juga meliputi pekarangan yang ada di sekitar sekolah (kebun
pengembangan kebun sekolah diutamakan dapat berfungsi sebagai sarana pbaik
dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar maupun sebagai sarana penyuluhan untuk
masyarakat sekitarnya dan orangtua.
mengembangkan kebun sekolah disamping dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan
kesadaran gizi anak sekolah dan ibu rumah tangga juga dapat meningkatkan
lahan sekolah dilakukan sesuai dengan luas lahan dan kondisi agroekosistem
lahan. Lahan sekolah yang luas dapat diusahakan berbagai komoditas (tanaman,
ternak, dan ikan) serta dapat dilakukan secara terpadu.
kebun sekolah dilaksanakan dalam rangka menumbuhkan kearah pendidikan siswa
sekolah dalam mengenal usaha pertanian. Melalui pendidikan berkebun di sekolah
akan berlanjut di lahan pekarangan di rumah yang dikelola keluarga.
Hal ini
juga merupakan aplikasi dari pembelajaran Biologi yang diperoleh siswa dalam
kegiatan kurikulernya. Kontekstualisasi
pembelajaran terjadi ketika muatan kurikulum, serta metode dan bahan yang
digunakan, terkait langsung dengan pengalaman dan lingkungan siswa,. Di banyak
negara berkembang, sebagian besar siswa memiliki pengalaman langsung dengan
sumber daya alam, baik sebagai dari
hasil aktivitasnya sendiri, atau dari pengamatan di lingkungan
sekitarnya. Proses pemanfaatan masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar sebagai titik
awal untuk mengajarkan konsep dalam pelajaran
sains biologi pada kurikulum. Dengan menekankan pada pembelajaran sambil praktik, dan pengalaman
dunia nyata, pendekatan pendidikan ini meningkatkan pencapaian akademik,
membantu siswa membangun kebanggaan
terhadap masyarakatnya, meningkatkan kecintaan siswa terhadap alam, dan komitment kuat untuk memberi sumbangsih terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya.
Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012
Sowing Seeds of Solidarity
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